Tuesday, June 2, 2009

4- Week Summer Conditioning Program for
All Athletes

Ryan Lee, MS, CSCS

Training during the summer is not always easy. Athletes might not have access to strength training equipment, and when it's nice outside, who wants to be stuck in a gym? People also tend to vacation during the summer so there might be a time constraint as well. Here's an effective conditioning workout you can do anywhere with only 1 medicine ball.

The program is designed to alternate between upper/lower body exercises. You can also add more sport specific exercises such as rotations or twists for baseball, tennis or golf. You are only limited by your imagination.

It's a great workout for an individual or an entire team lined up to perform together for workout variety.

The Program:
Mark 2 cones approximately 40 yards apart

^ ________________________________________ ^
A 40 yards B

Start at "A" and perform the first exercise. Then immediately after you perform the first exercise, jog to "B" with the medicine ball and perform the next exercise. Continue until your goal time is completed.

Perform the following program 3 days per week:
(do each exercise for 30 seconds before moving to the next cone)

Week 1:
1 Set of 12 minutes

Week 2:
1 Set of 15 minutes

Week 3:
2 Sets of 15 minutes

Week 4:
2 Sets of 20 minutes

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